Use "passage to india|passage to india" in a sentence

1. We had a stormy passage to India.

2. The maritime passage was a good augury for the aerial passage.

3. The teacher dictated a passage to the class.

4. Passage to Adjoints is a very nice operation

5. This passage won't construe.

6. Seattle Times Apr 14, 2010 The liberating, Asocial darkness of 's wild woods intensifies in A Passage to India with the "black holes" of rock in the Marabar hills

7. This passage is open to a variety of interpretations.

8. A dark narrow passage led to the main hall.

9. Clotting: to prevent passage through by filling with something

10. Clogging: to prevent passage through by filling with something

11. Boil down the passage to about two hundred words.

12. Alla Breve definition is - the sign marking a piece or passage to be played alla Breve; also : a passage so marked.

13. We followed a stream up Salubrious Passage before squeezing ourselves through a small twisting passage to bring us back above ground.

14. He had tried to construe a passage from Homer.

15. The passage is purely descriptive.

16. This passage admits two abreast.

17. A legato passage or movement.


19. Boulevards: a passage cleared for …

20. Passage Rights of Abutting Owner

21. Archway definition is - a way or passage under an arch; also : an arch over a passage.

22. [Middle Passage iron Bilboes, 18th century] One set of middle passage iron Bilboes, circa 1680-1800

23. The passage is too narrow for cars to get through.

24. Private members attempt to obstruct the passage of the bill.

25. Retell the passage according to the information in the form.

26. Pratt's Patients, passage=Then he Commenced to talk, really talk

27. She soon became Absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.

28. To undergo change as a result of passAge of time

29. Athetize meaning To reject a passage of text as spurious.

30. An air reservoir is operatively connected to the crossover passage.

31. To undergo change as a result of passAge of time

32. 12 A dark narrow passage led to the main hall.

33. Hey go clear the passage!

34. The passage became absolutely impermeable.

35. 24 I first skim an English passage ( read over passage quickly ) then go back and read carefully.

36. Close definition is - to move so as to bar passage through something

37. A movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed Andante

38. India began to explode.

39. A flow passage (18) comprises centrifugal means (22) for providing a radial acceleration to a fluid mixture as it flows through the flow passage.

40. Also exported to India.

41. Alure definition is - passage, gallery, ambulatory

42. 22 He translated the passage literally.

43. 1 Youth, our dissolute time passage.

44. This passage leads into the courtyard.

45. The passage is purely descriptive.

46. Regular winter visitor and passage migrant.

47. Please read this passage aloud, Jennifer.

48. The explorers discovered an inward passage.

49. The whole passage could be cancelled.

50. Nasolacrimal duct tube including lachrymal passage

51. The house has an underground passage.

52. Passage of adherent cell lines ( subculture ).

53. We went along a broad passage.

54. Write a descriptive passage about spring.

55. Athetize definition is - to reject or mark (a passage) as spurious

56. It forms part of the Inside Passage from Washington to Alaska.

57. Oh woman, I' m trying to take care of passage here

58. I am going to emend the second passage in this book.

59. The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola.

60. Agitato (Noun) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played in a restless agitated style. Agitato (Noun) A passage having this mark

61. Yet he was able to shepherd more than 80 percent through to passage.

62. Secret passage through the meat locker.

63. The ancients grant us safe passage.

64. We threaded through the narrow passage.

65. Rare but possibly regular passage migrant.

66. Arizona Trail Passage 3 Breakdown AztNick and Brian breakdown their experiences from hiking the Arizona Trail (Azt) passage 3

67. Invite students to consider marking this passage in a distinctive way.)

68. India also invited Kenya to participate in exhibitions like Aero-India and DEFEXPO.

69. * India appreciated the accession of Liberia to the India-Pan African e-network.

70. I need safe passage for my fleet.

71. They denied him passage through the territory.

72. He forced a passage through the crowd.

73. A rite of passage, as it were.

74. Adit definition, an entrance or a passage

75. Can you translate this passage into German?

76. The meaning of the passage is obscure.

77. ‘some editions omitted or Athetized the passage due to its hyperbolic nature’

78. An air reservoir port connects the crossover passage to the air reservoir.

79. He stopped half way down the passage, whirling about to meet her.

80. She got a passage off by heart.